home page

We're in the process of refreshing and redesigning the web site to make it more eye-catching and informative. In the meantime we will continue to update this site so that you can remain informed.

You can also keep up to date with Glasgow interest on the Club's facebook page


An association for those interested in Glasgow was the brainchild of one William Liddell, a retired shipbroker, who inserted an intimation in the Evening Citizen on 2nd July 1900, which stated:

Old Glasgow Club Wanted:-

  Sir, will you allow me to express what I have often felt as a want in our city, that is a club or society of citizens who might associate themselves in some corporate capacity? Such an association could meet and discuss municipal and other questions, exchange notes and opinions on social and commercial life, hear reminiscences all bearing on the past history of Glasgow. I am quite sure that there are many who could take an interest in such a society as a source of information worthy of permanent record for future historians.

--William Liddell.

The first meeting of the Old Glasgow Club was held Monday 17th December 1900 at 8 o’clock in the Atheneum, St George’s Place, Glasgow. Mr Charles Taylor read a paper on “The Passing of Old Glasgow”. The rest is history. The current members of the Old Glasgow Club invite you to join them in enjoying and perpetuating the history of this great city, sharing and disseminating information worthy of permanent record for future historians.

In January 2008 we celebrated the centenary of admittance of women to the club - click here to see the pictures. Click here for the video. Click here to see the Glasgow Magazine Article about the event


This web site is made possible by a generous bequest

by Mary Forsyth.

Hon. President

The Rt. Hon.

The Lord Provost,

Cllr Sadie Docherty



Stuart Little


Membership Sec

Margaret Thom


Hon. Secretary

Joyce McNae

26 Queen’s Drive Glasgow G42 8DD


The Club meets on the second Thursday of each month, September to April, at 7pm for 7.30pm in Adelaide’s, 209 Bath Street, Glasgow.

Mail for the Club should be sent to the Hon. Secretary or by e-mail to





next meeting

Thurs. 12th May






City Chambers

(Cochrane St Entrance)


please remember your membership card as ID will be checked

A Registered Scottish Charity no. SC042590

designed by gavin mcnae at

facilit-e 46   tel 0141 424 1124