
 Annual General Meeting of the Old Glasgow Club

Held in the Council Chamber of Glasgow City Chambers

on Thursday 8th May 2014 at 7.00pm






President Petrina Cairns welcomed members to the 2014 Annual General Meeting, gave a fire safety announcement and requested that all mobile phones be silent or switched off.




There were apologies from Sallie Marshall, Anna Forrest, John McKnight, Jim Gibson, Maida Gibson, Cath Nelson, Jane Collie, Margaret McCormack, Bill Crawford.




The Minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting of the Old Glasgow Club were circulated and approved by Brian Henderson and seconded by Margaret Thom. There were no amendments.


Matters Arising


Club Subscriptions - President Cairns reminded members that at April's Ordinary Meeting a proposal had been put forward to raise the price of the membership fee from £15 to £18 for a yearly membership and from £3 to £4 for individual visits. This has been driven by Adelaide's raising their room rental rate.

President Cairns asked that the members vote on whether to accept the new proposed membership rate. The vote was unanimously carried forward.


Proposed - Isabel Haddow

Seconded - Sam Gordon


President's Report


President Cairns reflected on her first year as President that she felt had passed so quickly and had enjoyed every minute of.


President Cairns hoped that the Club had provided an interesting and varied series of talks for everyone. Certainly Club membership remains at a healthy level with an average of 90 people per Ordinary Meeting. It was great to catch up with Past Presidents, Joy Blair and Peter Mortimer who both gave excellent talks to the Club.


The highlight of the year for me was our magic lantern slides and I'm so pleased we had the opportunity to show them at Members Night. Anna Forrest and Peter Mortimer prepared and gave a great accompanying narrative to the images. A big thank you to them for their help and also to Gavin McNae for his help digitising them into such a clear format. I was pleased to see so many visitors from the Calton area interested in them. Anna and Peter have reprised their roles for the Calton Heritage Group.


Sadly we lost a few members this year. Dr William Morris, David Sanderson, Hugh Connolly and George Campbell all passed away and will be missed.


As mentioned before, this year has passed quickly but there are still a few things to finish before the start of the next session. The Directors are making plans for updating the Club merchandise and we also hope to reconfigure the Club Website where the Club Transactions will be available to read in the future.


President Cairns thanked everyone for their continued support and for making her first year so enjoyable.





Secretary's Report


Mrs McNae talked us through the Clubs interesting and varied talks that have taken place this year, Members Night, Annual Club Summer Outing, J.A.S. Wilson Memorial Walk and the Tappit Hen Bowling Tournament.


Mrs McNae's report in full is attached to this minute.


Membership Secretary's Report


Mr Gordon reported that the Club has at present 13 Life Members and 141 Ordinary Members, with an average of 90 members attending each meeting.


Treasurer's Report


Mrs Thom circulated the Club accounts for the year ending 31st March 2014 and asked if anyone would like to ask her any questions relating to the accounts.


The accounts were found to be in good order and had been examined by Jim Gibson and Gillian McGugan.


The adoption of the report was proposed by Murray Blair and seconded by Stuart Little.


Librarian's Report


Mrs Forrest's updated report on the Clubs Library and Archive were circulated. This contains information on the contents of the archive boxes, transactions, lantern slides and book collections that belong to the Club.


This year Mrs Forrest has organised for some of the Club's Archive property to be stored in Trades House. This was with the help of Mr John Gilchrist, Clerk to the Trades House, who I'd like to thank for all his help.


We still have a Library of books held in Trades House but we also have other books, some newer publications and bequests waiting to be rehoused. We are currently looking into several locations for re-housing allowing us suitable access.


Mr Blair from Trades House adds that the transactions and archived material were stored away by Mrs Forrest and himself in a locked room at Trades House. He added that he would be willing to take a few more boxes that the Club needed stored.  Other Club reading material is housed in Trades House library which is there for the use of OGC members. The instructions are on the Club membership card telling you how you go about getting access.


Election of Office Bearers


President Cairns thanked the Directors for their hard work and support over the year, for their help with Members night and when the ordinary meeting was cancelled. It was a great team effort contacting all our members.

Thanks also to Gavin for his technical wizardry and continued support, Shona for her minutes, Gaynor and Ian for the tea and coffee, Brian for his encyclopaedic knowledge on the history of the Club, Anna for all her hard work behind the scenes, negotiating with Trades House and cataloguing our books and property. Isabel and Linda for their help at meetings, Sam and Stuart for dealing with all membership issues and Margaret and Joyce for all their help and input in making the Club run smoothly.


President                                      Petrina Cairns                                       2nd year of 2 year tenure


Vice President                              Sallie Marshall                                      2nd year of 2 year tenure


Hon. Secretary                             Joyce McNae                                         Proposed:  Anne Walker


                                                                                                                     Seconded: Gaynor MacKinnon


Hon. Treasurer                             Margaret Thom                                      Proposed: Isabel Haddow


                                                                                                                     Seconded: Stuart Little


Librarian                                       Anna Forrest                                          Proposed: Stuart Little


                                                                                                                     Seconded: Murray Blair


Membership Secretary                 Sam Gordon                                           Proposed: Joyce McNae


                                                                                                                     Seconded: Isabel Haddow


Recording Secretary                    Shona Crozer                                         Proposed: Brian Henderson


                                                                                                                     Seconded: Charles McCall




                                                      Ian Frame                                               continuing Director


                                                      Stuart Little                                            continuing Director


                                                      Isabel Haddow                                       continuing Director


Re-election                                    Gaynor MacKinnon                               Proposed : Margaret Thom


                                                                                                                      Seconded: Stuart Little


                                                      Brian Henderson                                   Proposed: Margaret Thom


                                                                                                                      Seconded: Murray Blair


New Director


Sadly, Linda Muir has decide to stand down as Director. We will be sorry not to have her valuable help. However, she has assured us that she will remain a member of the Club and give any help that she can.


The new Director will stand for a 2 year period. Anne has been a member of the Club for many years now and will be an asset to the Directorship. Anne is also a volunteer with the Govan Stones Project.


                                                        Anne White                                            Proposed: Sam Gordon


                                                                                                                       Seconded: Moira Robertson


Examiners                                      Jim Gibson                                            Proposed: Joyce McNae


                                                                                                                        Seconded: Anne White


                                                         Gillian McGugan                                   Proposed: Sam Gordon


                                                                                                                        Seconded: Isabel Haddow


President Cairns extended the Club's thanks to the accounts examiners for their time and hard work.




Brian D Henderson, past President of the Club told us that he is once again leading a walk for this years Doors Open Day. The walk is around the Kinning Park and Plantation area on Saturday 20th September, meeting at 11am beside Kinning Park Underground.


Murray Blair told us that he and his wife, Joy have been members of the Old Glasgow Club for many years. Joy has given over 50 talks and Murray has given 27 talks. Any money that they have received from these talks has been donated to Erskine and they had recently handed over a cheque for £500.  Murray told us that they were promoting the Club whether we realised it or not and that they would continue to do so.


Murray also told us that Joy has a new talk about the Acetylene works but that they would be cutting down on their talks as they were getting old and in the Winter and dark nights that it was getting more and more taxing even with their satellite navigation.


President Cairns thanked Murray Blair for being so generous and that she had recently been told by someone that they had heard Joy's new talk and had been very impressed by it.


Sam Gordon stated that the Calton evening had obviously sparked an interest with the Calton Club who have been trying to get in touch with Peter for his help and that the evening had been a great success.

Sam encouraged members who ever got the chance, to go along and hear Joy speak. If you thought the talk on the Canal was good then you want to hear the Lighthouse talk, your mind will be blown.


Liz Smith mentioned that the exhibition Petrina has encouraged us to go along and see, "How Glasgow Flourished", on until 17th August at Kelvingrove has a painting of Woodside Mills. There is a card next to the painting saying that the painting was donated by the Old Glasgow Club.






Summer/Social Events


22nd May -  Tappit Hen Bowling Tournament returns to Kelvingrove Bowling Greens. Come rain, come shine, a chance to win a lovely trophy that would be the pride of any mantlepiece. Light refreshments at the Islay Inn afterwards. Cost £8.50.

5th June -   J.A.S. Wilson Memorial Walk. A walk around the Calton with Mr Peter Fyfe and Miss Agnew. Recreating the walk presented at Members Night with tour masters, Mr Peter Mortimer and Mrs Anna Forrest. Meet at 6.15pm beside the Tolbooth Bar, Glasgow Cross. The walk will take approximately and hour and a half and will finish at the Calton Heritage Centre on London Road.

14th June -  Summer Outing. A trip to Abbotsford House near Melrose and then Peebles for High Tea at the Green Tree Hotel in the centre of town.

Bus and Guided Tour of Abbotsford is £23 and High Tea is £13.50.




President Petrina Cairns wished everyone a great Summer and hoped to see everyone back for the new session on 11th September. Our own Stuart Little will be giving the opening talk, "Shuggle - to the West" on Glasgow Trams. Until then, safe home everyone.


                                                                                                                                            Shona Crozer

                                                                                                                                            Recording Secretary